

My name is Lea and I am an Interior Design Major at Savannah College of Art and Design located in Atlanta, GA.

I have created this blog to help explain terms I am learning during this quarter at SCAD. Images are attached to help explain the terms in further details. Please give me honest feedback on my blog.


Form & Space

The Unity of Opposites

Everything can be organized in two groups; negative space (background) and positive space(figures). Sometimes the figure and background can be at the same visual intensity that their identities switch back and forth taking on background or figure.  

The couch, chairs and tables would be considered the positive space and the floor and background would be considered the negative space. Opposite sizes of furniture help to create unity in the space.

(Showroom at ADAC in Atlanta, GA)

Horizontal Elements Defining Space
Elevated Base Plane

Defining horizontal space can be done by base plane, elevated plane, depressed base plane and overhead plane. A horizontal plane can be as basic as a picnic blanket to a floor, depressed or elevated, or ceiling, puntured or semi-open.

The Overhead plane is depressed creating visual interest.

(Shopping Center in Stone Mountain, GA)

Vertical Elements Defining Space

Vertical elements such as planes can be combine to create space. Space can be defined by a single vertical plane, L-shaped plane. parallel planes, U-shape planes and four planes (a closed space).

The L-shape plane is common in shopping areas.

(Shopping Center in Stone Mountain, GA)
Qualities of Architectual Space

The qualities of architectual space are view, light (theway light hits a form or comes into a space) and degree of closure (form of the space). Planes can intersect with shapes to create a space.

This is considered a view. The amount of windows allow a greater view by placing multiple panels together. A designer/architect can manipulate the placement to make a space more interesting.


Opennings in Space-Defining Shape

Opennings in a space can be within planes, between planes or at corners. This includes the positioning of windows and how long, short, wide, centered, in a corner or off centered they are. Space between planes creates openning for a walkway/circulation through the space.

The opening in this plane allows the people sitting on either side to see over to the other side.

( Cafe area of IKEA)