

My name is Lea and I am an Interior Design Major at Savannah College of Art and Design located in Atlanta, GA.

I have created this blog to help explain terms I am learning during this quarter at SCAD. Images are attached to help explain the terms in further details. Please give me honest feedback on my blog.



Building Approach

The Building Approach is the way the viewer (person) approaches the building. One can approach a building from the front, back or one of the sides. The approach can be done in a spiral form where the viewer moves around the building in a spiral form.

Biomedical Engineering Building exterior

Building Entrances

The Building Entrance is the way, through a door(s) or opening(s), the viewer enters a building. An entrance can come in different shapes and sizes. The size of the opening can have a psychological effect on the viewer.

SCAD Front Entrance

Configuration of the Path

 The Configuration of the Path can be defined by linear, radial, spiral, grid, network or a composite of any one of these paths. The path gives a sequence of space; provides a route to take whether in a building or street.

A Map of Atlanta, GA
An example of Network Configuration of the Path.

Path-Space Relationships

Path-Space Relationships are categorized into three different spaces which are Pass by Space, Pass through Spaces and Terminate in a Space. Pass by Space path is flexible and is used to link spaces together. Pass through Spaces are paths that cut through a space and Terminate in a Space is a path that ends in a space. An axis is defined using the Terminate in a Space Relationship.

One of SCAD's hall that you go through passing by classroom on the left.

Form of the Circulation
Form of the Circulation can be Enclosed, Open on One Side or Open on Both Sides. Enclosed Circulation is a space that has walls on either sides and links spaces. Open on One Side is typically a balcony or gallery that links spaces. Open on Both Sides can be colonnaded passageway and does not have solid walls. "The width and height of a circulation space should be proportionate with the type and amount of movement it must handle."

SCAD Entry way. This is Open On One Side.